
I am a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Harvard Move Lab, where I am supervised by Prof. Conor Walsh. My research is focused on the application of functional electrical stimulation for ankle rehabilitation post-stroke.

Prior to joining Harvard, I was a Ph.D. student at Imperial College London, where I was supervised by Dr. Nicolas Rojas, Dr. Petar Kormushev, and Prof. Fernando Bello. My PhD focused on Improving Myoelectric Prosthetic Hand Control via a Multifaceted, User-Centred Approach, investigating user training, sensory feedback, and novel hand design, as well as developing next generation myoelectric controllers.

I received an MEng degree in Engineering from the University of Cambridge in 2019, where my final year project investigated Wearable Muscle Activity Sensors under the supervision of Prof. George Malliaras.

My research interests include all things assistive and rehabilitative technology. When I’m not in the lab, I’m usually playing badminton, othello, or making ice cream.

Please feel free to contact me if you’re interested in my research (or my icecream)!